Consulting Services

Law Enforcement & Public Safety

Streetwise360 specializes in law enforcement consulting that is focused on providing comprehensive, customized, proven, reality-based, expert instruction and consulting. Our proven methods, curriculum, and training are centered on providing you with the most current, relevant and cutting-edge investigative techniques, so that you can safely and effectively achieve successful investigative performance and accomplish your law enforcement goals.

Case Studies & Classroom Instruction

Streetwise360 offers in-depth case study presentations, educational instruction, training, and consulting services to law enforcement agency personnel, analysts, investigative assistants, correctional staff, first responders, probation & parole officers, and prosecuting attorneys to efficiently address a variety of real-world topics using case studies and classroom instruction culled from years of StreetWise experience.

Some of our Offered Courses-

  • Case Study: Undercover Investigation of a 1% Outlaw Motorcycle Gang

  • Case Study: New Black Panther Party During the Ferguson Riots

  • Case Study: Cripping in the Midwest: How a Gang Member Was Sentenced to 35 Years in Federal Prison

  • Case Study: Heroin Smuggling Investigation: Kingpin to Cooperator from Colombia to Chicago

  • Classroom Instruction: Basic & Advanced Street Gang Identification & Investigations

  • Classroom Instruction: Basic & Advanced Outlaw Motorcycle Gang Investigations

  • Classroom Instruction: Basic & Advanced Undercover Agent/Officer Investigations

  • Classroom Instruction: Confidential Informants-How to Locate, Develop & Utilize

  • Classroom Instruction: How to Conduct Successful Interviews

    and more!

Contact Us for a full list of Training Courses, Case Studies and Costs

Film, Television, & Media Consulting

StreetWise 360 provides specialized and technical law enforcement consulting services to news media outlets, film, and television production companies. We can place personnel on set and on projects that require law enforcement realism and credibility for modern audiences.